Benefiting the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter Information
20612 Laguna Canyon Road
Laguna Beach, CA
92651-1184 - Waze Directions
- Google Maps Directions
Animal Shelter
(949) 497-3552 -
Animal Control
(949) 497-0701 -
Open 7 days a week
Hours: 11am – 4pm
Play Yard Hours: 11am - 2pm
The Shelter is closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
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Education from the Trainer
Basic Companionship
Your voice is the most important training tool. Food rewards are used to boost the reinforcing power of your voice. Don’t depend on food to get your dog to do something. Rely on your voice, your relationship and your greater brainpower…
Biting Dogs
Most biting problems are easily solved. … The number of bites is not a factor in successfully solving problems. “Once a biter, always a biter” is a myth. Different dogs bite for different reasons…
Cat Problems and Solutions
Litter Boxes, Fighting, Biting, Spraying and more!…
Housebreaking Your Puppy
Housebreaking a new puppy is the first attempt at training that you and your puppy will make. This foundation for further training must be laid with careful thought and accurate information. Incorrect housebreaking techniques, especially those that include excessive, harsh and ineffective punishment will lead to behavioral problems in the older dog…
How to Use a Crate
A crate can be a helpful tool to housebreak and manage your dog. It is just one element of successfully housing and training your dog but does not take the place of your time, effort and willingness. Intelligent management housebreaks your dog…
Introducing Your Cat to a New Cat
As a general rule, the more cats you put in a confined space, the greater chance of problem behavior. Bear in mind, however, that most of what we perceive as “problem” behavior is perfectly normal for cats. Cat society is a delicate balance of solitude and sociability…
Punishment is anything that follows a behavior (or action) that makes the behavior occur less often. The punishment must IMMEDIATELY follow the behavior, BEFORE the dog has a chance to do another behavior…
Shy Dogs
Shy dogs can be helped…Observe your dog closely without interrupting him. What does he do with his ears, tail, eyes, mouth and body tension when he sees a new person? When someone walks past the yard? Around children? Other dogs? The better you can “read” your dog’s body language, the better able you are to accurately interpret your dog’s behavior…
Yap, Yap, Yap
“I love my dog but not the barking!” Is your pooch keeping you up at night barking outside? Try using a crate, exercise pen or a leash tied to the leg of your bed. When the doorbell rings does your dog bark? Call your dog to another part of the house before answering the door. When you leave the house does your dog bark? Block your pooch’s view from watching you leave the house. …
Flea Facts
The California summer provides perfect breeding, feeding, and hatching conditions for this very successful parasite. When conditions of light heat, and pressure are right, the insect can go through its entire life cycle (from egg to adult) in as little as 10-14 days. The adult’s maximum life span on the host is about 9 weeks and the average is 4-6 weeks. This applies only to an untreated animal.
How to Fight Fleas
It’s flea season. If you’re a pet owner, you might be agonizing about how to protect your dog or cat and your home from the insidious little pests.
How to Get Rid of Fleas
Combine equal parts of 20 Mule Team Borax and table salt. Sprinkle under furniture cushions and on carpets. Work into carpets with broom-vacuum to eliminate excess. This will dehydrate fleas and larvae.
So You Think You Want A Litter?
Think that having a litter of puppies would be loads of fun? Think that it would be a good experience for the kiddies? Here are a few more thoughts on the subject.
Spay Your Female Dog
Spaying (not spading) your female dog is a MUST! There is no good reason for having an unspayed female.
Neuter Your Male Dog
Neutering your male dog will help avoid behavioral problems in the future as well as make your life and your dog’s life less troublesome.
Giardia and Giardiasis Authored by: Gershon L Alaluf, DVM
Giardiasis is the intestinal disease caused by the parasite Giardia canis. Giardiasis usually affects dogs, particularly puppies, but can occur in cats. In North America, its fairly common in people too.

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Laguna Beach Animal Shelter
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